Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Down 4.2 pounds in 3 days. Alright!! The body still knows how to consume itself. Last night, I made a small homemade hamburger from the leanest beef. I put habanero hot sauce on it. Mmmmm mmmm. I really LIKED it. I will definitely do that again. Hot peppers are still our friends. I tired turkey bacon yesterday for breakfast. While not real bacon, it was something I can live with. ;-)  Turkey bacon, scrambled egg and toasted whole grain sandwich round. Lunch was an xl salad (I was hungry) and a chicken salad sandwich on whole grain sandwich round. Dinner was the hamburger with a few corn chips. The two snacks I had were about a tsp of pimento cheese on  4 small crackers.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Okay, it is now 2012 and need I say that I have been goofing off. Boy, have I been goofing off. I had back problems and just didn't care. I have gained back some of the weight, but not all thank goodness. Before I fool around and do though, I decided last Saturday to start again, so as of 6/16/2012, I am back at it. I have lost 3.5 pounds since Saturday. It looks like the body is going to co-operate again. It's trying to figure out what the hell happened to the cookies, cakes, ice cream, candy bars,etc.
I tried something new today for breakfast. Turkey bacon. While not exactly good old bacon, it's not bad. I can live with it. Okay, let's get busy burning the fat. (You do realize that I'm not going to do it literally, don't you? I finally sold that damn exercise bike a couple of months ago. Yahoo!)