Thursday, August 14, 2008


I was really getting disgusted with being so overweight. I'd start thinking about losing,but then I'd see a story about somebody losing weight(usually on tv) and how they had to have surgery to remove the excess skin. I can't afford that so I'd forget about for awhile.
In January of this year, I had what I thought was a spider bite on my stomach. It just kept getting worse, so I had to go the doctor about it. While I was there, I talked to him about losing weight. Specifically,what would my skin do if I lost weight? He said if I lost slowly, my skin would go back to where it belongs. He said if you lose the weight very quickly, your skin doesn't know what happened and doesn't know where to go,so it just hangs there.

Well, I left the office and went to the grocery store. I bought healthier stuff and vowed to cook. ( I don't particularly love to cook,did i mention that? My middle name has been takeout for at least ten years!) I bought low-fat,no-fat,etc. Lots of salad veggies,lots of canned veggies. I started cooking and NOT eating takeout.

I went on my diet on January 16th,2008. At this time, I've lost 76 pounds! In two days, it will be 7 months since I started. I thought if I started this blog and told about my experiences,maybe I could inspire some people to help themselves without the expense of having surgery or one of those plans that cost a fortune for the pre-made meals(I couldn't afford that). If you found my blog,please come back. I'll be posting my strategies,recipes,some of my odd sense of humor. I should be back later today to post again and get this thing really going!


  1. Deb, you are my HERO!! I'm so proud of you and soooo inspired!
    I plan to start to tomorrow. Not sure about those peppers, though!
    Keep up the good work.
