Sunday, July 21, 2013

Hi! It's been awhile since my last post. I am now 58 years old with 59 creeping up much faster than I would like! I have a definite penchant for the cupcakes and other goodies and I have been enjoying them immensely. I make no apologies. I freely admit to this and the choice I made to go off the low-fat life. I also have a thing for the Golden Corral! Hahahahaha! I absolutely looooooove that place.

Anyway, I woke up a couple of weeks ago and said to myself that it was time to get serious again, so I got up and weighed myself. Oh, Lordy. Although I was relieved to find that I had NOT gained back all that I lost, but it was still too much. I was back a 290.2, so time to do it again. This time, I believe I am truly at the point to make this a lifetime commitment. The weight is affecting my knees again and I DO NOT like it.

I know I have the ability to cook just about anything I want and make it low-fat. I proved that when I lost the 100 pounds. My problem is that I just mostly don't want to cook. Hahahahaha! That Golden Corral is just handy. Which brings me to the next food, besides being mostly very, very NOT low-fat, is also extremely salty. The fat and salt are what make them sooooooooo good, but also not good for you, so it is back to my recipes for me. Back to half the meal being veggies and correct portion sizes. Now, I  didn't really deviate from the correct portions, but I did  some of the time.

The salt is a tremendous factor too. I was walking on two hams. Seriously, my feet literally looked like hams! Now, I like ham, but NOT on the ends of my legs!!! I changed my diet 2 weeks ago and I now have skinny feet again!!!! There are actually ANKLE BONES between my feet and legs!! OMG! Did you know that 58-yr-old toes have some wrinkles in them??? I will take the wrinkles over the hams any day. It took less than 2 weeks to get my skinny feet back!

Start: 290.2
1 week:  287.9 (down 2.3)
2 weeks:285.0 (down 5.2)

Oh yea! I am very happy with the start!!  Please feel free to read my blog and if anyone wants to join me in changing your lifestyle, I would love to have you.

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