I bet you that that .01 of a pound will mess with for at least a week, but that's okay because when it goes, I will be past 30 pounds! Yahoo...
Now, I have had some thoughts on my mind for awhile now about losing weight.... I mess around on Facebook a lot. The stuff I see going down the newsfeed is just ridiculous. If you want to lose, you should be able to lose. I realize there might be some with medical reasons that keep them from losing, but mostly, it just takes determination. I don't even put forth that much effort other than cooking differently from the way I did before and cutting out all the excessive "goodies". I am a certified chocoholic and I freely admit it. I will never completely give up chocolate and I eat a little bit daily.
The miracle foods that are posted on the newsfeed of Facebook? I don't know if they are miracle foods or not, but I do know that you don't need them. You don't need a program that you have to pay for either. You need determination that you will change your lifestyle.
I cook low or fat-free. I used very, very little oil and when I do, it is canola oil. I buy the leanest meats and if there is fat on the cut, I trim it off. I am a beef eater. My dad raised cattle and I have eaten beef all my life. The only change is I don't eat rib-eyes anymore...they are delicious but the reason they are is that they marbled with fat. Besides not being desirable for weight loss, it is not good for your heart. I buy meats that have loin in the name because they are the leaner cuts. Sometimes, they cost a little more, but if you think about it. The lack of fat means you are paying for meat, not fat. I also buy boneless because I don't want to pay for the bones. I still eat from the Golden Corral, but I fix my takeout in the small container because you can't fit a huge meal in that itty bitty thing. I am more careful what I get from there too. I do not get the things that are full of cheese.
I will be getting my Thanksgiving dinner to go from there. I get enough for a meal for my husband and myself and enough to snack on that night. No leftovers to put on my hips. Hahaha. I usually make my own creamed potatoes at home and just get turkey and ham, maybe a little veggies.
The point is that it can be done without surgery for most people and without special programs. Pay no attention to calories...just reduce your fat content and much as you can. You want to lose slowly so that your skin remembers to go back where it belongs! On parts of my body, that skin has to travel a bit, but it did it when I lost the 100 pounds a few years ago. I believe it will this time too. I hope this maybe inspires someone with a great desire to lose to just do it. I am already starting to feel better and its only been 29.9 pounds...
Good luck....
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Ha! First of September and down that much already. I am a happy (not camper....Oh, I got it!) stay-in-the-house-and-hide person!! I was a bit concerned this week when the time to weigh came because I had some extra take-out. Two days I was out past noon and starving, so I got something from town on the way home. Waco, TX is the home of the slowest drive-thrus anywhere. That is true at off-peak times, so oh Lordy, I would rather be shot thango through one at meal times, especially noon when people are buying lunch. Thankfully, we have Taco Bueno. My daughter says it's because nobody eats there, but I think it is because their employees are fast. I believe they understand the concept of "fast". Sooooo, I went both days to Taco Bueno. I got the Big Ol' Beef Burrito both times(because it was good the first time) and it had lots of lettuce and tomato on it. It was delicious. Why did you not go to the Corral, you ask? Hahahahaha.....I didn't want to get out of the car again in this heat!
We are having an unseasonable heat wave. Pbbbbbbbbbt! 104 yesterday. Hubby is a wonderful, wonderful man. He said the other night that since it is so hot, we can just eat leftovers or sandwiches. What a guy! I have had a ham sandwich two nights in a row. Last night, I made a few French fries to go with it. I woke up this morning with chicken salad on my mind. Sooooo, making that later with fat-free salad dressing. I have an egg cooker that makes boiled eggs, so I don't even have to heat up the stove for that. ( I adore my garage sale finds...paid $2 for that egg cooker and I love it!) I bought this little contraption for making an egg in the microwave a couple of weeks ago. I am going to try it out and see I can make it work without killing the egg.
I am a little bummed because I am out of Claussen mini dill pickles. I forgot to replenish my supply yesterday. That is because I had to get up at 4:30 am and the brain just wasn't working right when I got to the store. I use the pickles to signal to my body that I am through. They are my substitute for dessert at lunch. Eat the meal and finish with the two little pickles. It works.For me. You can find something that signals that you are finished. Now, at night, after dinner, it's my 3 Musketeers bar. Hahaha!! Hey, don't judge. I have said all along that I will never give up chocolate completely. I just downsized and have it less often. A LOT LESS OFTEN!! I have passed the bakery clearance rack consistently since the first week of July, so I am good.
I welcome anyone who wants or needs to lose weight to join me on my blog. It's sorta fun to have company in this sort of endeavor.
We are having an unseasonable heat wave. Pbbbbbbbbbt! 104 yesterday. Hubby is a wonderful, wonderful man. He said the other night that since it is so hot, we can just eat leftovers or sandwiches. What a guy! I have had a ham sandwich two nights in a row. Last night, I made a few French fries to go with it. I woke up this morning with chicken salad on my mind. Sooooo, making that later with fat-free salad dressing. I have an egg cooker that makes boiled eggs, so I don't even have to heat up the stove for that. ( I adore my garage sale finds...paid $2 for that egg cooker and I love it!) I bought this little contraption for making an egg in the microwave a couple of weeks ago. I am going to try it out and see I can make it work without killing the egg.
I am a little bummed because I am out of Claussen mini dill pickles. I forgot to replenish my supply yesterday. That is because I had to get up at 4:30 am and the brain just wasn't working right when I got to the store. I use the pickles to signal to my body that I am through. They are my substitute for dessert at lunch. Eat the meal and finish with the two little pickles. It works.For me. You can find something that signals that you are finished. Now, at night, after dinner, it's my 3 Musketeers bar. Hahaha!! Hey, don't judge. I have said all along that I will never give up chocolate completely. I just downsized and have it less often. A LOT LESS OFTEN!! I have passed the bakery clearance rack consistently since the first week of July, so I am good.
I welcome anyone who wants or needs to lose weight to join me on my blog. It's sorta fun to have company in this sort of endeavor.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Well, here it is the 25th of August already. Today was a weigh day. I weigh when I first get out of bed, so sometimes I am a little bleary-eyed. After not losing any last week, I was a little scared of stepping on that scale today. Shoot, I stepped on that sucker 3 times in a row because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I am down 13.6 pounds since starting the second week of July.
I had to switch flipflops today. I believe that I mentioned before that my feet were so swollen from the way I was eating(waaaaaaaaay too much salt) and I had to search really hard to find a pair of flips that didn't attempt to cut my feet in half. All swelling is gone and my feet are as skinny as when I was young. I had, at least, a half inch of room between the straps and my feet. Yay, me!
I bought 2 jars of pickled beets this week. (Yes, I really, really like them.) They have no fat in them!! I also loaded up on cucumbers again....I really like them sliced with onion and the Mediterranean Vinaigrette on them. (The tomatoes get soggy, so decided to eliminate them from future cucumber salads.)I will just eat them plain.
Today for lunch I had, a small pork chop, a few French fries, cucumber salad and pickled beets. That meant that half my meal had absolutely no fat. It was delicious and filled me up.
Tonight, I am thinking of something with hamburger and noodles done in the skillet. It will be my version of Hamburger Helper. I will be making more cucumber salad, but I think tonight calls for pickles. I love pickles, but try to limit them a bit because of the salt. Mostly, I eat one at the end of a meal...it makes it sort of like dessert and tells my mind that I am through. You have to trick yourself any way you can.
Well, that's it for today. Anyone wishing to join me in my loss is more than welcome.
I had to switch flipflops today. I believe that I mentioned before that my feet were so swollen from the way I was eating(waaaaaaaaay too much salt) and I had to search really hard to find a pair of flips that didn't attempt to cut my feet in half. All swelling is gone and my feet are as skinny as when I was young. I had, at least, a half inch of room between the straps and my feet. Yay, me!
I bought 2 jars of pickled beets this week. (Yes, I really, really like them.) They have no fat in them!! I also loaded up on cucumbers again....I really like them sliced with onion and the Mediterranean Vinaigrette on them. (The tomatoes get soggy, so decided to eliminate them from future cucumber salads.)I will just eat them plain.
Today for lunch I had, a small pork chop, a few French fries, cucumber salad and pickled beets. That meant that half my meal had absolutely no fat. It was delicious and filled me up.
Tonight, I am thinking of something with hamburger and noodles done in the skillet. It will be my version of Hamburger Helper. I will be making more cucumber salad, but I think tonight calls for pickles. I love pickles, but try to limit them a bit because of the salt. Mostly, I eat one at the end of a meal...it makes it sort of like dessert and tells my mind that I am through. You have to trick yourself any way you can.
Well, that's it for today. Anyone wishing to join me in my loss is more than welcome.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Something new from the grocery store....
Hi, everyone! It's still hot as the devil in TX. Cold meals become more appealing daily. Today, I had a little cold ham, a few French fries(remember...homemade and fried fast...less time in oil...less oil absorbed, pickled beets(no fat at all), and Tomato-Cucumber Vinaigrette. I got the idea for adding tomatoes to the cucumbers from Facebook. I also added sliced onion. Well, I love this 3 Gyros SlimFitt stuff. Convenience is my middle name. No mixing the vinegar and stuff...open lid and pour it out. I just love it. If you cannot find it anywhere, they have an online store. I found it at HEB in TX. I chose the Mediterranean one. This is now a regular part of my diet. All in all, this was a great lunch for a hot day.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
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Homemade Taco Salad for Lunch! |
Greetings!!Today is a good day! It is Weigh Day!! I am down 9.8 pounds in less than a month!! Yay, me!! I love it when a plan comes together! Lots of baked potatoes this week with FF sour cream. A few French fries(homemade, of course). Rice one night. Lots of turkey breast from the grocery deli.
I didn't think of taking a pic of my lunch until I had already stirred it up. Hahahaha...it still tastes terrific. Mostly lettuce and tomato. A few tortilla chips crunched up. 2 T. taco meat and 2 T. refried beans(they came from Rosa's, by the way). Pico de gallo and the squeeeeeeeeeeeeze jalapenos!! Delicious.
I am thinking on leftover roast beef with gravy on rice tonight. The best part is that the roast beef is already cooked. ;-) If you haven't been to my blog before, check out the recipe link on the right!!! Lots of low-fat good eating in there.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Not a bad lunch for a hot August day.....Saw the cucumber sandwich idea on Facebook. It is pretty good. Hollowed out cucumber, shaved turkey, Colby cheese and Tony Chachere's Zesty Sandwich Sauce. Rounded out with sliced grape tomatoes and 5 olives.
Sorry I slacked off last week. I just got busy with other things. Plus, it is hot and that tends to make me procrastinate. I will strive to not let it happen again.
I cooked the Miracle Rice this week. I could hear screaming in my ears. At first, I thought it was the pounds screaming to get away from the jalapenos that I put in it, but on second thought, that could have been my mouth screaming in pain, just as easily. Whichever it was, hot peppers are good and if you can stand to eat them, they help the metabolism. Milk will stop the burning afterwards. Whatever you do, don't drink water!
Speaking of peppers, I was in the canned peppers section of the grocery store and found squeeze jalapenos. There was also squeeze chipotle and squeeze habaneros. I got the jalapenos and will work my way up to habaneros because they will totally set you mouth afire!! I am going to try jalapeno on a sandwich....possibly a homemade hamburger. Always looking for things to which I can add peppers. Scrambled eggs and jalapenos, anyone?
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Well now, not bad for a nice lunch with which to lose weight. My homemade chicken salad, crackers, light potato chips, tomato and cucumber. It's just as delicious as the ones a few weeks ago from the Corral too. Oh, don't contradict me on this. A whole lot of the success is your mindset. Make up your mind that you will do it and then get on it and do it!
This plate is about half the size of my regular dinner plates. That helps too. You have a full plate. Therefore, your mind says that you should not be hungry afterward. I switched to smaller forks too. You need to eat slower so your stomach knows that you are full. Smaller forks keep you from shoveling it in like a linebacker. Well, at least, it does me.
So this morning, I go to the grocery store, which I hate doing, but it is necessary. I flew through that store even faster than I did Saturday. I just love it. The more I lose, the faster I walk. ON my quick trip through though, I am replacing things from regular to fat-free. I never switched back to regular Miracle Whip for the chicken salad nor the Fat-Free Catalina dressing. We kept using light margarine and fat-free milk, but there were a few things that I need to switch back from regular. Cheese is now from 2% milk again. OH and I now use fat-free sour cream. Gotta love the baked potatoes. Anyway, another successful day, it looks like it be!!!
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